EuroFeria, a non-profit association will organize the days 19,
20 and 21 of may its traditional Andalusian fair in Koekelberg
(Brussels). This will be the fourteenth edition we celebrate.
event has become the Andalusian cultural manifestation most important
of Brussels and Europe in general, and wakes up, year after year,
a greater interest on the part of the public. In 2005, the number
of visitors surpassed the number of 140.000
Although most of the participants are Spanish, there already many
Belgians and people from different nationalities, that come to share
with us these special days. In 2006, representation from different
European countries, as well as from different regions from Spain and
Latin American countries, will attend to reinforce our celebration.
The EuroFeria of Koekelberg has
opened up to the outside. The first step has been the association with Sanlúcar
de Barrameda, that has contributed with fresh breath of Andalusian
air that now we must maintain. Also, other cities have been united
recently with us, among them Hyères,
Huelva, Almería or the La
Línea de la Concepción.
The EuroFeria takes place in the Elisabeth Park,
at the foot of the Basilica of Koekelberg, and enjoys a spectacular perspective
into the Boulevard Leopold II, the “Champs-Élysées” of
Brussels. The present edition will be organized around ten patios:
• |
EuroFeria |
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Jacques Pivin |
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Latino |
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Simonis |
• |
Movida |
• |
Europa |
• |
España |
• |
Andalucía |
• |
Caballos |
• |
Calle del Infierno |
Each Patio is
the meeting point for numerous artists and “casetas”, where
the gastronomy, dances and the different animated activities are shining
jewels and they are counted by tens.
“La Portada”, which you can
see in front of the entrance of the EuroFeria parametres, invites everyone
to the celebration. It simulates the Arc of the Fiftieth Anniversary and
is financed by the Municipality of Koekelberg, that in addition to being
the special guest of this party, makes available for the EuroFeria the services
of logistic… without which the development of the EuroFeria would
be impossible. At the same time, the police of Brussels collaborates to
maintain the security and the order in the parameters of the fair.
The decoration and the organization of the fairground, as well as of
the “casetas”, honours the traditional Andalusian fairs: scenery
with “farolillos”, strolls of horse, girls and boys dressed
to the purest Andalusian style (“flamenco
dresses” for women and “short” for
men), typical dances, flamenco and a lot of elements that offer a spectacle
of lights and colours, all characteristics of these type of celebrations.
In “casetas”,
day and night, it will be possible to enjoy the traditional food, drinks
and dances in a friendly atmosphere. The gastronomy, to the taste and Mediterranean
colour, will offer a great variety of Spanish and European typical plates:
hams, shrimps, “pescaito frito” (fried
fish), “paella” and many
others. “The churros with chocolate” will
close the evening. The “manzanilla” from
Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz), is drunk typically in all
Andalusian fairs who boast of success, will reign in the EuroFeria. The
cuisine of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, based on seafood products, will
play an outstanding role in this edition.
The Fair is a familiar party, this is the reason for which the activities
are directed to people of the ages. The children will be able to play in
the patio that is devoted to them: one “calle
del Infierno” (street of Hell) in the style of the Andalusian
fairs where they can enjoy attractions of all types.
adults will be able to try proposed typical dishes in the different “casetas” and
to take advantage of the Spanish flamenco spectacles and Sevillian dances,
as well as other European nationalities, without forgetting the magical
horse shows. From older to younger people, and in a familiar atmosphere
of celebration, it will be possible to enjoy the numerous activities that
the program of activities of the EuroFeria offers.
Year 2006 will be distinguished specially by the implantation of one
site that will be able to welcome more than 1.000 people and where an impressive
spectacle of Andalusian horses will take place inspired by the School of
The Committee of the EuroFeria invites you all to be with us these days
and to enjoy a real Andalusian celebration in the heart of Europe.
Some interesting facts:
- More than 140.000 visitors
in 3 days in 2005
- 120 Participants
- 5.000 m² of
- 70 artistic
- 4 hectares
Frederico Gallo de Haro
[email protected]